Your Partner in Business

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Business Coaching
Internationally recognised Business Coach, Wellington, Auckland, Christchurch, NZ

Are you ready to take your business to the next level, but dont know how to do this on your own?

Is your business not as successful as it should be - and you know you need help to realise the full potential in your business?

Are you ready to sell your business? A well systemised business with good people in the right positions will attract a higher price. I can assist you to prepare your business for sale, so you can attract the very best price possible for your business?

You may already be making good money and now you want to focus on finding ways to attract the right staff, to create an amazing “Customer Experience” for your customers - so they refer business to you - and, to streamlining your business processes, so you can reduce your hours in the business and get your time back for your family, or other activities,

Whatever you need, as a proven Business Growth Strategist and Business Coach I will work with you to achieve the outcomes you want for your business,

By assisting you to implement practical Business Growth Strategies that dramatically increase your revenue and profit, to develop Leadership skills and to build high-performing teams, your business will be returning profits you have only dreamed of. Then, together with you, we will work on systemising your business to make it less dependent on you, so you get more free time for your family, and to do the things you want to do.

For a no-obligation Business Evaluation to identify the steps you need to take to realise the full potential in your business and to achieve the business sucess you have always dreamed of...   contact me now
 Business Strategies that Really Work!

"...building pipelines like this are fantastic, the sales just keep coming in" Phil

Video Testimonials


Business Turnaround, Business Recovery 

Wellington, Auckland, Christchurch, NZ 

A business can get into difficulties for many reasons. 

While the most obvious sign of a business facing difficulties is insufficent cashflow, other challenges frequently faced by Business Owners are: staffing issues, leadership issues, insufficient clients (no sales), loosing clients, clients not paying, being too busy, but not making any money and, a lack of robust systems. 

However, the most challenging and risky time for a business is when you lose confidence in yourself and in your business.

When a business starts getting into difficulties, the sooner you, as the Owner(s) take action, the greater the chances are that your business can be turned around and brought back into profit.

The first step is finding an experienced Business Coach with a proven track record assisting Business Owners to turn their struggling businesses around.

Check out the Business Turnaround video testimonial below. Hearing first-hand from a Client who has 'been there' will give you the confidence that I am the Business Coach you are looking for,

The next step is to contact me and to commit to "do whatever it takes"! 

These two steps will dramatically increase your chances of saving your business, and getting your life back.

For a no-obligation Business Assessment contact me now

Turnaround Video Testimonial



Executive Coaching

Wellington, Auckland, Christchurch, NZ

As a Senior Executive, the diverse challenges and pressures you must manage on a daily basis can be immense.

However, for you to be effective in your role, it is essential that you 'step back' from the daily challenges and keep your focus on the big picture, your strategy and the expectations of your stakeholders. How well you acheive stakeholder expectations is a key measure of your personal success, and the success of your organisation.

Having the right Executive Coach working with you will have a direct and measurable impact on your performance.

To quote Eric Schmid, former CEO of Google "the best advise I ever got was to hire an Executive Coach".


Leadership Development

"...developing leadership skills, with a focus on personal goals, business performance and maximising synergy in the business"  Lucy

Video TestimonialPersonality Profiles


Career Coaching 

Wellington, Auckland, Christchurch, NZ

Employers: When faced with restructuring and redundancy, the future for your staff can appear very uncertain.

Through practical and measurable Career Transition Coaching, I will assist your impacted staff to cope with change, identify their transferable skills, write CV's and Cover Letters that get noticed, raise their personal brand and develop sound interview skills, so they can easily transition into new employment.

Employees: Career Transition Coaching is very effective (and measurable) for individuals who are seeking career advancement in their current employment, or, when wanting to change jobs, but not sure how to do this, or, when wanting a complete career change.

As your Career Coach, I will assist you to identify roles that will appeal to you, to develop the necessary skills to apply for these roles, to ace the interview and to transition into new employment.

Finding a New Job 

" uplifting and broadening experience, which helped me discover myself and find new employment" John

Personal Testimonials

Discover the best career move for you - see DISCover My Career Path


Personality Profiles 
DISC, Leadership, Sales, Customer Service, HR 
The more you understand about the strengths of the people that you are considering employing into your business (or when you are wanting to build effective teams), the more certain you will be that you have the right people in the right roles.
Plus, understanding your own Personal Profile increases self-awareness and confidence. The DISC Profile is a world-renowned Jungian-based Phychometric Test. You can choose from individual Personal Profiles through to specialised Skill Profiles, such as Leadership or Sales, or from the extensive range of Effectiveness Profiles, such as Emotional Intellegence and Time Management.